What we do
Strategy Design
Tailored Visual Composer with extra advanced functionalities and organised clean skin.
Embrace the best web development practices & coded with performance and speed.
Advanced Grid
Truly one of the most powerful grid system with equal-height and spacing presets.
Customer Care
Package your WordPress website to an international audience with multi-languages support.
Design & development of digital products
We work with clients big and small across a range of sectors and we utilise all forms of media to get your name out there in a way that’s right for you. We believe that analysis of your company and your customers is key in responding effectively to your promotional needs and we will work with you to fully understand your business to achieve the greatest of publicity possible. We have over 20 years of consultancy experience in this area of business and we strive to achieve the following: develop, empower, enable and maintain.
Digital Solutions & Consultancy
We have over 20 years of consultancy experience in this area of business and we strive to achieve the following: develop, empower, enable and maintain. Our aim is to develop your skills, to empower you to feel more confident, to enable you to maintain changes. We work strictly with you and carry out research to understand your needs and the needs of your customers first. We work with clients big and small across a range of sectors and we utilise all forms of media to get your name out there in a way that’s right for you.
Digital Strategy & Consulting
We concepted and created a vast portfolio website for one of the biggest and most awarded architecture agencies. The company has deep roots in Sweden, and has been in business since 1960. Since then, this legendary agency has been awarded countless times both in its home country as well as abroad.
eCommerce design & development
Both the design process and the end result strongly reflect the brand: tailored, hand-crafted, comfortable and easy to use with strong sense of modern simplicity and style. The very same traits that are manifested in all of premium products.
They tell about us
O melhor conceito que conheço quando se fala de yoga, surf, partilha e experiência. Vale bem a pena participar numa das propostas da Pi. Seja qual for será inesquecível.Lara Loureiro
O melhor conceito que conheço quando se fala de yoga, surf, partilha e experiência. Vale bem a pena participar numa das propostas da Pi. Seja qual for será inesquecível.Lara Loureiro
O melhor conceito que conheço quando se fala de yoga, surf, partilha e experiência. Vale bem a pena participar numa das propostas da Pi. Seja qual for será inesquecível.Lara Loureiro
From the blog
Notícias Soul of Pi
Todos nós possuímos algo único e especial a partilhar, uma vida para o fazer mas acima de tudo, uma VIDA para ser vivida em pleno. Acredito…
November 8, 2019
Soul of Pi na Costa Rica
O que poderá ser melhor do que sentir-me como uma criança de 45 anos e ainda com muito a aprender e a gostar? Estou muito feliz por ter…
May 21, 2019
A CutBack TV perguntou e eu respondi. Uns poucos minutos sobre aquilo que trago no coração, que me move e me traz brilho aos dias! No…
April 18, 2019
Urbanista Podcast
A Paula Cordeiro é uma mulher com uma energia contagiante, que me pôs a falar um pouco do meu percurso com tanto entusiasmo como me ouvia.…
May 27, 2017
Escolhi o surf pelo fascínio de sempre pelo mar, e pela possibilidade de aliar o desafio físico à possibilidade de momentos de imensa…
October 27, 2015
Falar Criativo
Com o seu modo tão caracteristicamente descontraído, esta entrevista com o Rui Branco, bem poderia ter sido uma conversa de café. Sobre…
October 5, 2015